Keep your Sleep Healthy and Comfortable With a New Orthopedic Mattress

Sleep is essential for our overall well-being. It is during sleep that our mind and body recovers and resets itself to be fully functional upon waking up. Getting quality sleep is the secret to boosting focus, productivity, and immunity. Since we spend at least a third of our day sleeping, an orthopedic mattress is a worthy investment that will save you from body aches and pains.

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Wake up Feeling Refreshed With an Orthopedic Mattress

If you nodded your head yes, then take that as a sign to upgrade to an orthopedic mattress.

Seven to nine hours of sleep is recommended for most adults to be in optimum health. However, you can still be sleep-deprived if you are feeling restless, stressed, or in pain throughout the night. Most people who feel fatigued and tired all the time usually lack deep, comfortable, and quality sleep.

To wake up feeling rejuvenated, try modifying your sleeping environment. Apart from dimming the lights and keeping the room temperature cool, remember to factor in your sleeping surface.

The right mattress, pillows, and sheets can significantly improve sleep quality. Our bedding must be able to put our bodies at ease and provide proper support. The good news is that Magniflex has got you covered with an assortment of Memory Foam mattresses, pillows, toppers, sheets, and other rest accessories you may need.


What is an Orthopedic Mattress?

An orthopedic mattress is made from various materials such as memory foam, innerspring, or latex. This specific type of mattress is designed to help keep your spine in neutral alignment while you sleep and provide relief from neck, back, and joint pains at the same time.

Orthopedic mattresses enable you to feel rested by alleviating tension from pressure points and muscles. It does so with a sleeping surface that offers targeted support for every part of your body.

Orthopedic mattresses are strongly recommended by doctors especially If you’re already experiencing chronic back pain or aches surrounding your joints such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and the like. But know this, you don’t have to wait until you feel discomfort to enjoy the benefits of an orthopedic mattress.


How Orthopedic Mattresses Work

Orthopedic mattresses offer the ideal firmness to prevent any part of your body from sinking into the bed. Magniflex utilises a combination of Memory Foam and high-density foam in the construction of orthopedic mattresses, allowing your body to experience a good balance of comfort and support while sleeping.

The orthopedic mattress by Magniflex helps you maintain the correct spinal alignment regardless of your sleep style or position. Magniflex mattresses gently ease you into the bed, and conform to the natural contours of your body, all while providing foundational support.

Orthopedic mattresses work by evenly distributing your body weight to prevent any strain on your pressure points, especially around your neck, back, knees, and hips


The Advantages of Orthopedic Mattresses

An orthopedic mattress offers the best anatomical support possible while you sleep.
Not quite convinced? Here are 6 advantages you wouldn’t want to miss out on.

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  • 01 Prevents Roll-Together Effect

    If you’re sharing your bed with someone, then you’re most likely familiar with the roll-together effect. This is an occurrence where two people sleeping in the same bed roll together towards the centre due to unbalanced body weight.

    Orthopedic mattresses prevent the roll-together effect from happening by evenly distributing body weight across the bed while minimising motion transfer.

  • 02 Lumbar Relaxation and Improved Circulation

    Designed to maintain the proper sleeping posture, orthopedic mattresses promote lumbar relaxation and improved circulation. The firm and supportive sleeping surface reduces the risk of straining your lower back while propping you up for adequate inhale and exhale, thereby helping you snore less.

    Orthopedic mattresses give way to muscle and tissue recovery by facilitating blood flow so that you wake up feeling refreshed and energised.

  • 03 Accelerates Recovery from Fractures and Surgery

    Patients who have undergone surgery and those nursing injuries or fractures will appreciate a faster recovery time with an orthopedic mattress.

    Orthopedic mattresses can absorb unnecessary motions which would help you sustain the optimal recovery position without causing your pressure points to become sore. These specialty mattresses also give you enough push-back for you to get in and out of bed without a hitch

  • 04 Cost Efficient

    Orthopedic mattresses are cost-efficient because of their increased durability and ability to give your body the support it needs. The open-cell structure in the Memory Foam allows for air circulation, so you are not completely dependent on your room’s climate control to keep you cool.

    The high-quality materials and high-density foam that make up an orthopedic mattress prolong its lifespan. Plus, with your body spared from aches and pains, orthopedic mattresses are an investment that enables you to save on medical expenses.

  • 05 Prevents Allergy and Disease

    Orthopedic mattresses are generally hypoallergenic and anti-microbial. The chances of you itching and sneezing are decreased since your sleeping surface is resistant to common allergens including but not limited to dust mites. Magniflex’s orthopedic mattresses also enhance sleep hygiene so you are less likely to to contract disease due to bacteria growth.

  • 06 Ideal for Pregnant Women

    Orthopedic mattresses boast the optimal level of firmness which empowers pregnant women to easily sit up and stand up from the bed. Pregnant women will also be thankful for the lumbar support so that they can get a full night’s sleep with less discomfort. Ultimately, orthopedic mattresses can minimise strain around the midsection which is important for the overall health of the mother and child.

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Orthopedic Mattresses are Designed to Support Your Spine

Orthopedic mattresses are ideal for back pain relief because they give your spine maximum support. The best orthopedic mattress in Dubai is simply one that suits your unique needs and preferences.

Magniflex, a global leader in sleep technology can deliver the best orthopedic mattresses in Dubai with a diverse selection of springless orthopedic mattresses that match every individual’s body type and sleep style.

Going beyond what is expected from typical orthopedic mattresses, Magniflex offers personalized comfort and innovative sleep solutions while observing sustainable manufacturing methods. You can trust that all Magniflex mattresses are made in Italy and are approved to the highest quality and environmental standards.

Orthopedic mattresses by Magniflex are made with a combination of premium natural and high-tech materials to ensure a restorative sleeping experience. These state-of-the-art mattresses are ergonomically engineered to adapt to your body’s curvature while providing customised orthopedic support.

Magniflex line of springless orthopedic mattresses is perfect for Dubai’s climate. All Memory Foam mattresses by Magniflex feature thermoregulating properties and patented systems that curb wear and tear due to heat and humidity.

Sleeping on a Magniflex orthopedic mattress guarantees significant relief from back pain and sore pressure points. This is a promising long-term investment that enables you to take care of your spine and enhance your overall health.

We Have the Perfect Mattress For You

  • MagniStretch 9

    Magniflex is proud to present the new MagniStretch 9 which has earned the endorsement of the American Chiropractic Association. This is the company’s most recent advancement in mattress technology which became possible in partnership with Zaragoza University.

    The MagniStretch 9 was conceptualised and constructed to decompress the spine while you sleep. After undergoing extensive ergonomic testing, the MagniStretch 9 can be considered the best orthopedic mattress for back pain.

    The MagniStretch 9 boasts a patented system that gently stretches and lengthens your spine to improve alignment and blood circulation.


  • Massaggio Deluxe

    The Massaggio Deluxe mattress promises orthopedic support and superior relaxation. It offers a Medium Firm sleeping surface along with a washable and breathable fabric cover that can effectively dissipate sweat and improve sleep hygiene.

    The Massaggio Deluxe mattress foam is made up of three layers. The top 2 layers provide plush comfort as they conform to your body’s silhouette to relieve pressure points. The base or the bottom layer then ensures foundational support.

    The Massaggio Deluxe mattress also features a built-in massaging system that stimulates skin's microcirculation to foster pleasant feelings of freshness


  • Armonia Dual 12

    The Armonia Dual 12 mattress is a perfect combination of technology, comfort, and luxury, offering countless customisation options for individual needs. With a Dual Core system, people sharing a bed can easily choose their preferred comfort level with a quick zip and flip.

    The Armonia Dual 12 allows users to simply unzip the fabric cover and flip the mattress foam to the soft or firmer side. This way, every individual can appreciate their ideal combination of comfort and support.

    The Armonia 12 is a testament to Magniflex’s dream for everyone to sleep happily.


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We Have the Perfect Mattress For You

Get High-Quality Orthopedic Mattress in Dubai

A good night’s sleep is key to good health!

Magniflex believes that quality sleep is crucial in boosting overall health. To help people sleep better, Magniflex offers a diverse selection of springless orthopedic mattresses that are perfect for Dubai’s climate.

Orthopedic mattresses are designed to alleviate discomfort caused by back pain and/ or aches around joints as well as pressure points. Magniflex goes beyond industry standards by catering to every sleeper’s individual needs and providing personalised comfort.

If you’re looking for a high-quality orthopedic mattress in Dubai, you’ll find yourself at home in the Magniflex store near you.

Take this chance to treat your spine with the care it deserves!


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